"The Four Man Plan"

I just finished reading this book called "The Four Man Plan". The book is about what I've learned to do in my dating life...date more than one man at a time in order to increase the odds of finding "Him". (I'm not looking for "Him" at the moment, but the dating concept is the same.) Oh...c'mon now...don't be like that. The guys do it. Why can't we? (I love this book. It really makes total sense. I've already loaned it to a friend :)

I keep at least 4 men in my list (I call it 'stacking'). That way, if one acts up, or turns out to be a total dud (the way they so often do), you've got at least three to fall back on. The key words here would be "at least". I've had up to seven going at once, but I don't recommend it, as it can get really confusing!

You'll need to have more than just a mental list, because it can be difficult keeping track of which conversation you've had with whom...who does what for a living, etc. If you are going to 'stack' them (the men) make sure you catch yourself before you say the words, "Oh...I could have sworn that I had that conversation with you." It makes them start thinking about exactly who you might have had that conversation with, and what it is that you're doing (and who you're with) when they're not with you :)