Okay Single Girls;

I think that I tend sometimes to base the things that I write about on what's going on in my life at that moment. Thanks to a phone call that I received yesterday, today's topic is Married Men and the Single Girl.

NO...I do not condone getting into ANYTHING, not even coffee with a married man. He brings WAAAYYYY too much drama, and personally, I'm not interested in being some dudes' spare. Add to that the fact that I'm hot huge on sharing, and there you have it.

Anyway...I digress.

A few months ago, I had one date with this guy. I'll call him Jim. Jim and I went for drinks at a restaurant...had a few laughs, and some intelligent conversation. Our night ended at about 11:30 when we left the restaurant, he going his way, and me going mine.

Fast forward two weeks later, when "Jim" calls me, wondering if I'd like to see him again. I'm not thinking anything of this question, and I'm actually about to say, "maybe", until he goes on to say that maybe he could come over to my place for "lunch". Now...I work during the week and so does he. As it happens, I work fairly close to where I live, and occasionally, I'll go home for lunch. He knows this. So this "lunch" request set off some serious alarm bells in my head. "Jim" thinks that I'm too stupid to see that this lunch time request is his convenient way of 'getting some' at a time that his wife won't miss him. WIFE??? That was about two months ago. Keep in mind, that "Jim" still hasn't come out and said that he's married. I don't need him to. My gut's telling me that this dude's got something to hide.

Yesterday, "Jim" called again. Why? I'm wondering this myself. So I picked up the phone, and within the first 15 seconds of hearing his voice, I had to ask. "Are you married?" Silence. I knew it. He tried to give me some lame story about going through a separation, but dude...if that were true, you could have said it the first time we met. Now, I'm just not buying it. We're done.

Now...I'm single. Which gives me the perogative to do whatever the hell I please, with whomever I choose to do it. But I WOULD NOT, and WILL NOT EVER have ANYTHING to do with a married man. I know exactly how it feels to be at the other end of that relationship, and I won't have anything to do with destroying another female that way. Ever.

Single Girls, if a man wants to come over to your place for anything at lunchtime some day, when he's supposed to be at work (unless you already know his life), he has something to hide. He wants to come over at lunchtime because that's when his wife thinks that he's at work, so he has no explaining to do. She doesn't have any idea that he wasn't out with the boys at lunchtime. Single men don't have these issues.

Drama follows the married man and quite frankly, the ones who are looking to cheat don't give a rat's ass about anyone but themselves. There are plenty of men out there who aren't already attached. Shake off the married dude, and go get one of those.